
“You can’t connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road, will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path. And that will make all the difference.”
— Steve Jobs


且不论凌晨四时的意象和文化含义,只谈视频的首尾呼应。视频最开始,主讲人 Rives 被 Wislawa Szymborska 的诗歌 《Four In The Morning》 所触动,潜意识里觉得似曾相识;在收集了许许多多包含凌晨四点的文学和影视作品后,在视频的最后,Rives 被前女友 L.D. 的匿名评论所点醒,回忆起她曾送给他的自编混合磁带(多么用心多么诗意的浪漫啊),其中一首歌曲是 Paul Simon 的 Peace Like A River,搭配伴读的正是诗歌 Four In The Morning!多么美妙的和弦!多么美妙的连接!

不禁想起了乔布斯的 connecting dots,是啊,人生正是“连点成线”的过程,美丽的过去埋下了与未来连接的种子,它在潜意识里生根、发芽,直到有一天,我们被某件事物所触动,它才得以绽放。生命中那些突然而惊喜的“连点”时刻,总让我“心上开出一朵花”。

PS: 发现 Paul Simon 就是 Sound of Silence 和 Scarborough Fair 的演唱者,又一个美妙的连接。另外,Scarborough Fair 创作背后的民间传说背景也很神秘和美丽。