News & Updates
☞ ☞ ☞ PhD (Fully Funded Scholarships for Fall 2025) & RA & Postdoc opportunities at the RUI Lab, Thrust of Urban Governance and Design, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). We invite motivated students and researchers to join us, please contact Dr. Rui Cao for inquiry. [More]
✎ Mar 2025. Our new paper Mapping Urban Villages in China: Progress and Challenges accepted by CEUS.
✎ Nov 2024. Our new paper Towards SDG 11: Large-scale geographic and demographic characterisation of informal settlements fusing remote sensing, POI, and open geo-data published on ISPRS J. P&RS.
✎ Oct 2024. Our new paper LCZ-based city-wide solar radiation potential analysis by coupling physical modeling, machine learning, and 3D buildings published on CEUS.
☕︎ August 2024. Dr. Cao presented Mapping Urban Villages in China: Progress and Challenges at China National Conference on Big Data and Social Computing and International Conference of Social Computing.
✎ May 2024. Our new paper Self-paced Gaussian-based graph convolutional network: predicting travel flow and unravelling spatial interactions through GPS trajectory data published on IJDE.
🎉 May 2024. Congratulations to Cai Liao and Emily Zhou in successfully completing their MSc dissertations!
✎ Sep 2023. Our vision paper on Responsible Urban Intelligence presented on The Fourth Spatial Data Science Symposium (SDSS 2023).
✎ Aug 2023. Our new paper Exploring how street-level images help enhance remote sensing-based local climate zone mapping published on JSTARS.
✎ Aug 2023. Our new paper Agent-based modelling with geographically weighted calibration for intra-urban activities simulation using taxi GPS trajectories published on JAG.
✎ May 2023. Our new paper Integrating satellite and street-level images for local climate zone mapping published on JAG.